
shalom here from Germany… it is a wonderful blessing which means wholeness… nothing missing – nothing broken, may the Holy one of Israel grant us true peace and shalom while we are blessing Israel and praying for the Jews worldwide…

in Genesis we read in chapter 12 verse 3

I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you…

here a good advice and prayer request from David Silver/Haifa during Passover

One of the main elements of the Passover celebration is the Yachas or Unity in English. This is the 3 sheets of unleavened bread (Matzah) that is in the middle of the table setting. The flat Matzah bread is striped, bruised and pierced, a perfect picture of what happened to Yeshua on the day of the crucifixtion. During the Passover ceremony the middle sheet is taken out, broken in half, wrapped in a white cloth and hidden away (for the children to find and win a prize). This piece of Matzah is called the Afikomen and the rabbis teach that the Afikomen represents the Messiah. A few years ago I learnt that Afikomen is a Greek word, the only Greek word in a Hebrew ceremony, means

I have come.

For 2000 years the Jewish people have been unknowingly declaring that the Messiah has already come. It is time for their eyes to be opened ……….

Suggested Passover prayer points – when Yeshua was on the road to Emmaus with the disciples they did not recognise Him until He prayed and broke the bread ……

* Pray that as the Afikomen is broken during the Passover ceremony, the LORD will open the eyes of multitudes of Jewish people to recognise that Yeshua is the Messiah

*  Pray that many will have a powerful revelation of the power of the blood to save and cleanse of sin

May you be blessed while you seeking truth… Sabine


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