here a short summary – travel report about our
Israel trip from 07th until the 14th of October
first the process … then the mental impressions etc.
As in 2016, our group consisted of my husband Bernd, Diana, Reto and Matthias from Winterthur, Switzerland and me. Bernd, Diana and I flew with Ryanair from Badenairpark near Karlsruhe directly to Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport. The flight was cheap and the service good. However, we have missed us again to print the boarding passes. This is required at this airline otherwise it costs extra. For all those who intend to fly with Ryanair in the future, this tip. Basically we enjoyed the flight and service on board and can recommend this airline.
Our accommodation was as usual the Hotel Gilgal in Tel Aviv, close to the beach and under the guidance of Messianic Jews. A good hotel of the middle class, peaceful atmosphere, good breakfast, nice roof terrace overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and skyline. We met as a group there every night and prayed a lot and made good contacts. Paul and his two daughters Lisa and Anna are very dear to us. We are looking forward to meeting them soon in Germany. The first day was rest and filled with a 2 hour walk to Jaffa along the beautiful beach. In the evening we went to a good restaurant on the beach. However, you have to expect about 25 euros per person. Basically, restaurants in Israel are located in this price range. Of course it is cheaper with Falafel snacks and supermarket. What we have decided for the rest of the travel time.
on 09.10. went up to Jerusalem. We were in a very important place, especially for us from Germany … the Holocaust Memorial Museum Yad Vashem.
For all sensitive souls, it’s deep. Personally, I was literally speechless, I could barely speak and cried again and again. But it was good and important. You should have experienced that at least once. After about 5 hours back at the exit we drove back to Tel Aviv and arrived well in the hotel. One of the many blessings that we were able to experience on the trip, we got every evening a parking lot in front of the hotel. A miracle for Tel Aviv traffic conditions. My husband Bernd, drove us about 1600 km, so thank you very much.
10.10. We drove to Jerusalem again (about 1.5 hours) the road traffic is a bit crazy, both in Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem, for insecure drivers not recommended. I can recommend train and buses or in Jerusalem also tram or taxi. A good location to park in the center is the Mamilla Mall. There, the holy places are easy to reach on foot. We were first at the Kotel, Wailing Wall then had a nice cappuccino in the Austrian hospice , there is Austrian cuisine, such as Wiener schnitzel and cakes. A beautiful garden with tables invites you to relax. Then we went through the Via Dolorosa to the pond Bethesda where Jesus healed the 38-year-old man who was paralyzed. This site has opening hours, so be smart and get information in advance. Because we had to wait another 30 minutes we walked to Lionsgate – and just around the corner on the right is the golden gate. Opposite you can see the Kidrontal and the Mount of Olives. A beautiful view. In the Bethesda area we prayed a lot for sick people we know.. Diana and I were at the bottom of a portico, just above our head was a stone archway. As we stood there and prayed softly, two pigeons came flying, which settled just above our heads. For a few minutes, the pigeons looked at us motionless from above and we watched them from below. It was something out of the ordinary, because afterwards we did not see any more in the whole area. Wow … that touched our heart very much and we felt God’s presence and love very deep for us.
10.11. got up early and leave for the tabernacle in Timnapark shortly before Eilat in the south of Israel. We chose the route to Mitzpe Ramon and visited the crater there. It’s worth the trip, a beautiful scenic experience. There is also a restaurant and observation deck. After 6 hours drive we arrived a bit tired at the tabernacle. Every hour there is a 30-minute guided tour in English. The whole tabernacle is a symbol of Jesus Christ. Every detail has a special meaning. It is worthwhile to do an intensive Bible study about it. Due to the long journey we booked an overnight stay in Eilat. It was an apartment house with several separate suites. First class amenities with pool, kitchen, barbecue area etc. We sat in the evening for a long time together and enjoyed the rest in comfortable garden furniture.
10.12. On to the Dolphin Reef in Eilat, the only area in the world where dolphins are allowed to swim both in the bay and outdoors. We have seen about 6 different dolphins very close to the jetties, they jumped, as one always admired on television. Unfortunately, we did not have that much time otherwise you can book a snorkel or dive time to swim with these beautiful animals. It costs about 80 Euros extra. Back to Tel Aviv over the Dead Sea. In Ein Bokek there is the possibility to go into the water for free and to let oneself drift. Definitely another experience, which should not be missed. Before we stopped at Lots Wife Place. You know, the wife of Lot, who became the pillar of salt when she looked back and disobeyed the angel of the Lord. The destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are right there. At about 9.00 pm we were back in the hotel.
10.13. Sea of Galilee – with circuit and various stops. Diana and I decided on a beach day because we were very tired. Bernd, Reto, Matthias and Paul with his daughters spent a nice day swimming in the lake.
14.10. Goodbye in front of the hotel. Many tears flowed because the time together was very intense and loving. Then flight back to Badenairpark. We all came back safe and blessed by the Lord. Hallelujah … with great gratitude we give you Mr. Yeshua the honor. It is a privilege to travel the holy land.
Spiritual … Diana had an accident about 2 weeks before departure … when cleaning she fell off the chair and contracted bruises and ribs. The topic of our trip was a healing tour … even on the Thursday before departure, she did not know if she could fly because of the severe pain and restrictions in the musculature system. She has overcome and came along … on the first evening we prayed for healing under the laying on of hands. The Lord has done a miracle. She was almost painless within a few hours and was able to complete the tour. Our Lord – our Savior and Doctor … he is faithful.
There were a few other words that the Spirit of God has tried to work in our hearts … one was the sincerity of following Jesus … confessing Christ is something quite different from being a disciple … being a disciple – follower of Jesus willing to suffer for the truth and the gospel … not like Jesus on the cross of Golgotha, but to pay the price … that is very personal and everyone is allowed to decide that for themselves; another word came in the tabernacle … how many sacrifices are we willing to make? … our sacrifice of … time. Business is self-deception … because only in prayer do you receive … Gratitude is shown in many ways … nothing is self-evident and not people who do you good … how much appreciation we show …. through words and deeds … how much love we have in giving love … if we can not love our brother and sister, we can not love Jesus and the Father either .. because we do not see them … but those who see us encountering each other on our way of life we … some may get to know each other better … and then we can still love them even though they have problems and weaknesses … or are we just using them? Jesus left his life for you and me. It is very sad when we do not understand that and do not lose our lives for our siblings. Out there, millions of people are waiting for a loving Father and Redeemer … we have the power of heaven in us to pass this on. Yes, we will experience rejection, persecution, hatred and a lot of loneliness, yes we will not be compatible with many … but was that Jesus? The good news is, if we fail and repent, then he is faithful and just and forgives and cleanses us from our sins … when we confess them to HIM … how gracious …
shalom sends Sabine